Democratic Councilman Endorses Hugin

Democratic Councilman Endorses Hugin
Pictured: Bob Hugin, Kathy Hugin, Jim Fozman and Vera Fozman
BRICK, NJ — Widespread support for Bob Hugin’s election to the U.S. Senate continues to mount as today Democrat Councilman Jim Fozman endorsed his Republican campaign to unseat admonished, Democrat incumbent Bob Menendez.
“Bob Hugin is our opportunity to secure new, honest representation in Washington for all New Jerseyans. His credentials as a Marine veteran and business leader are impeccable. Bob is a refreshingly honest and open alternative to disgraced, career politicians like Bob Menendez, who has done little in his 25 years in Washington for New Jerseyans while he enriched himself and embarrassed our state,” said Democratic Councilman Jim Fozman.
Fozman continued, “As an elected official, I feel obligated to support the best candidate for U.S. Senate, regardless of party affiliation. Bob Hugin is that person who offers the voters the best choice for Senate this November. Bob Menendez is ethically flawed and not the right choice for the voters of this state.”
Recent polls show Bob Hugin’s campaign against the incumbent Democrat is essentially a dead heat as more and more voters and community leaders line up to support the Republican candidate.
“The support I am receiving from leaders such as Councilman Jim Fozman is not only humbling, but it also serves as a reminder of how high the stakes are in this election. As Senator, I pledge to put people before party and politics to solve the problems we face in New Jersey,” said Bob Hugin.
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit