Democratic Women Release List of Murphy Supporters
(TRENTON) A group of prominent women and community advocates today released their endorsement of Phil Murphy for Governor.
“This November, there is a candidate on the ballot who has committed to the health and economic prosperity of women, including supporting a woman's right to choose, restoring funding for women's health care and promoting policies that help increase the economic security of women — Ambassador Phil Murphy.
Unlike his opponent, Ambassador Murphy has publicly stated on numerous occasions that he will restore funding for family planning services, including cancer screenings, birth control and testing, as well as treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.
Unlike his opponent, Phil Murphy has consistently spoken out against attacks on Planned Parenthood and will continue to stand with women against federal policies that are harmful to women’s health. Additionally, Ambassador Murphy has chosen to stand with low wage women, advocating for wage and hour standards and protections that will provide both equity and economic stability for women in need.
While Kim Guadagno may claim to be "pro-choice," she has no record of supporting policies that ensure women have full access to reproductive health care. In fact, when asked in a debate, she refused to commit to restoring the funding for women's health care that Governor Christie cut during the first year of their administration and eliminated every year thereafter. Her stated reasoning for this refusal to support the funding is because Planned Parenthood provides abortion care, despite the fact that the funding in question does not go towards abortion services.
Instead of speaking up on behalf of women, Kim Guadagno has consistently remained silent when Governor Christie has taken a hatchet to the economic and health security of women. Whether it was her deafening silence in the national debate around healthcare reform, or the lack of a full-throated denouncement of the Governor’s vetoes of pay equity, raising the minimum wage and other worker protections, the Lieutenant Governor has a well-documented history of failing to publicly stand up for women.
For these reasons, we, the undersigned women, support Phil Murphy for Governor on November 7th, as the candidate that can and will bring real change to lives of women in the Garden State.”
Hon. Bonnie Watson Coleman Debra Amato Mary Amoroso Susan Angulo Jennifer Apell Rosy Arroyo Marie Battist-Celestine Ms. Kevin Becica Karen Becker Allison Bell Keim Ashley Bennett Ingrid T. Betancourt Colleen Bianco Bezich Hon. Julie Blake Marie Blistan Hon. Theresa Branella Katie Brennan Laurel Brennan Ellen Busteed Hon. Marge Caldwell Wilson Grissele Camacho, Esq Milagros Camacho Janice Campbell Fuller Patricia Campos Medina Hon. Linda Carter Barbra Casbar Siperstein Pam Chesky Kate Clark Cathleen Cogswell Diana Cooper Tai Cooper Jackie Cornell Carol Cuadrado Colleen Curren Christine Cutrone Maria Del-Cid Sonia Delgado
Lizette Delgado Polanco Marge DellaVecchia Angie Devanney Julie Diaz Anna Diaz White Millie Dilanni Sue Discher Stephenine Dixon Sarah Dundas Kathy Ellis Emily Ellis Zulima Farber Aida Figueroa-Epifanio The Hon. Tiffanie Fisher Jaimee Gilmartin Jen Godoski Lucia Gomez Ann Graham Elizabeth Graham Joanne Graziano Meryl Greene Elissa Grodd Schragger, Esq. Ayesha Hamilton Marta Harrison Kristen Hart Jennifer Holdsworth Rachel Holland Aimee Humphreys The Hon. Carolyn Jacobs Denalerie Johnson-Faniel, PhD Freda Karpf Hon. Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Esq. Mary Lou Killian Searle Karen Kominsky The Hon. Janice Kovach Bonnie Knecht Hon. Ayesha Krishnan Hamilton, Esq.
Emily Kullmann Lenore Larson Kris Laurenti Shawn Laurenti Deborah Lester Shelley Levitan Adler Hon. Cathleen Lewis Kay LiCausi Betsy Lindenberg Sara Lipsett Alison Loder Margarita Lopez Lisa Mack Lisa Maddox Douglas Hon. Colleen Mahr Marias Women United Marcia Marley Margaret Martin Andrea Mastro Laura Matos Laurie McCabe Hon. Kristin McLaughlin Hon. Bernadette McPherson Analilia Meija Carmen Mendiola Maryann Merlino Pamela T. Miller, Esq. Ritzy Morales Maggie Moran Tricia Mueller Kim Nesbitt Good Hon. Julie O’Brien Bonne O’Flanagan Retha Onitiri Hon. Germaine Ortiz Kari Osmond Mariel Pagan Amy Papi Arlene Quinones Perez Cristina Pinzon Barbara Plumeri Melissa Pollitt
Crystal Pruitt Truscha Quatrone Ivette Ramos Alvarez, Esq. Verlina Reynolds-Jackson Donna Robinson Taylor Cherron Rountree Hetty Rosenstein Christine Sadovy Alma Saravia Marguerite Schaeffer, Esq. Joanne Schwartz Viola Scott Safanya Searcy Mikie Sherrill Sharon Shinkle Gardner Rebecca Siman Nancy Erika Smith Judi Smoller Hon. Paula Sollami Covello, Esq. Barbara Sottilaro Christine Stearns Sarah Steward Jessica Stewart Kelly Stewart Maer Emily Stone Caroline Szeliga Barbara Tanis Anna Maria Tejada Myra Terry Audrey Tyler Yvonne Van Pelt Sylvia Vason Noemi Velazquez Hon. Joan Voss Tahesha Way Lisa Wilson Cathy Wilson Thelma Witherspoon Judy Woop Hon. Vernell Wright Lois Zarish Hon. Tracy Zur