Dems: Gov. Murphy’s Massive Approval Shows New Jerseyans Strongly Support His Policies, According to NDNJ Poll

Dems: Gov. Murphy’s Massive Approval Shows New Jerseyans Strongly Support His Policies, According to NDNJ Poll
Positive Views of Governor Driven By Handling of COVID-19 Crisis, Trust by NJ to Continue With His Policies to Keep State Safe
NEWARK, NJ -- Governor Phil Murphy is continuing to get high marks from New Jerseyans on his handling of the COVID-19 crisis and other major issues, with a new poll commissioned by New Direction New Jersey showing a 62% favorability score and a 68% job approval for the Governor. The results mirror those in earlier public polling, including a recent survey commissioned by the COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States showing Governor Murphy with a 66% approval rating and being one of only five governors whose rating has increased in recent months. The poll underscores that New Jerseyans support the administration’s policies and wants to see them continue.
“In the last four months Governor Murphy has confronted one of the most challenging periods in our state’s history, and this survey along with other public polling shows that New Jerseyans approve of the job he has done and trust him to make the right decisions going forward to keep their families safe,” said Brendan Gill, Senior Advisor to New Direction New Jersey. “New Jerseyans support the Administration’s policies, because they keep people safe. So does New Direction New Jersey. It is important that these policies continue.”
While many other states throughout the country are now struggling to contain COVID-19 after reopening businesses and resuming normal activities, the Murphy Administration has proceeded cautiously in order to prevent a second wave of the virus. New Jerseyans strongly support this approach, with 64% agreeing that controlling the spread of the virus should be made the priority over the economy. Additionally, strong majorities trust Governor Murphy to make specific decisions on reopening. This includes deciding when it is safe to gather in groups (66% trust), when businesses can reopen (64%), striking the right balance between health and economic priorities (64%), deciding how to start the school year (62%) and planning for the financial future of the state (61%).
The NDNJ poll shows strong approval ratings for Governor Murphy on his handling of the crisis from across a wide spectrum, including strong ratings among Independents and even a positive rating among Republicans at 51%-49%. This comes at a time when many politicians are making increasingly reckless and desperate attacks against the Governor’s policies, proving that they are out of touch not just with the broader electorate, but some even with a majority of their own party.
“New Jersey residents of all political stripes trust Governor Murphy to make the right decisions because they recognize that he's putting their health and the long term success of the state ahead of short-term political considerations,” said Gill. “Politicians who are attacking him on this issue are only showing how out of touch they are with the views of the vast majority of New Jerseyans. We need to continue these policies to keep people safe”
In addition to COVID-19 ratings, the poll also found widespread support for Governor Murphy’s handling of the recent protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Sixty-nine percent approve of the Black Lives Matter movement broadly, and 66% approve of the Governor’s decision to join the protests.
New Jerseyans also give almost universal support to Murphy policy priorities, such as restoring the millionaire’s tax (79% support), raising the corporate income tax (70%) and cutting state departmental budgets (65%) to mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic. Simply put, there is widespread support for these policies and New Direction New Jersey will continue to help mobilize New Jerseyans to enact them.