DePhillips joins Bucco in his call for hearings into the state’s lackluster storm response

DePhillips joins Bucco in his call for hearings into the state’s lackluster storm response


TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblyman Christopher P. DePhillips has joined in on the call for hearings into Governor Murphy’s paltry response to a nor’easter that slammed the state with snow yesterday, causing a myriad of problems for drivers across the state.


“The Murphy administration’s preparation for yesterday’s snow storm was completely lacking, and the storm response was simply unacceptable,” said DePhillips (R-Bergen). “Lives were at risk. Children were stranded in schools. Our taxpayers and residents expect and deserve better from our government for the exorbitant amount of money we pay in taxes to maintain our state roads.


“The administration had more than enough warning that a storm was coming.  A foremost responsibility of the state is to protect us and always prepare for the worst, not just hope for the best. For this reason, I join Assemblyman Bucco in his request for the Assembly Transportation Committee to hold public hearings to investigate what went wrong with the storm response and why. Yesterday’s disaster can never be repeated.”


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