Despite Corporate Backing, Lance Fails to Catch Malinowski in Fundraising

Despite Corporate Backing, Lance Fails to Catch Malinowski in Fundraising
For the third straight quarter Tom Malinowski has vastly outraised opponent Leonard Lance, and now holds a spending advantage over the 5-term Republican incumbent. While more than 40% of Lance’s reported contributions this quarter came from corporate PACs or corporate interest groups, Malinowski has sworn off all corporate PAC money, and made combatting the corrupting influence of dark money in our politics a central plank of his campaign.
“Corporate financing of our elections is a poison to our democracy that permits our leaders to put re-election ahead of the people they were sent to Congress to represent,” stated Malinowski. “Our fundraising success, despite my pledge not to take corporate pac money, proves voters have had enough of typical politicians like Lance, and will hold our leaders to a higher standard in November. They are demanding a Congressman who will side with them, not corporate special interests.”
“How can voters trust Lance to advocate for them when his top sporters are not his constituents, but pharmaceuticals companies, the telecom industry, and big oil and gas? He led the charge to kill net neutrality in the House, after taking tens of thousands from big telecomm companies, and voted more than 60 times to strip his own constituents of their healthcare coverage,” said Malinowski Campaign Manager, Colston Reid. “Make no mistake, his anemic fundraising this quarter will only make him more dependent on corporate money in the fall. Lance had his chance. This district deserves better than a typical politician ready to sell them out to keep his seat.”