Diegnan Resolution to Establish the ‘NJ Advanced Autonomous Vehicle Task Force’ Clears Committee

Diegnan Resolution to Establish the ‘NJ Advanced Autonomous Vehicle Task Force’ Clears Committee


TRENTON – A resolution sponsored by Senate Transportation Chair Patrick Diegnan, Jr., which would establish the “New Jersey Autonomous Vehicle Task Force,” (task force) cleared the Senate Transportation Committee.


“The engineering and development of autonomous vehicle technology is well-underway in a majority of other states” said Senator Diegnan (D-Middlesex). “By allowing the testing of autonomous vehicles on our roads, New Jersey would put itself on the same economic and technological playing field as those states.”


The task force would conduct a study of advanced autonomous vehicles and make recommendations on laws, rules and regulations that New Jersey could enact or adopt to safely integrate advanced autonomous vehicles onto the State’s highways, streets and roads.


The task force would evaluate whether the State should enact stricter safety standards, study regulations and laws in other states concerning safety standards, and recommend how New Jersey could safely integrate advanced autonomous vehicles onto all roads.


The resolution, SJR-105, was released from committee by a vote of 5-0, and next heads to the full Senate for further consideration.

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