Dinsmore announces first round of support: State Commiteeeman Casha, Former Chair Page and Former Freeholder Lyon all endorse

Dinsmore announces first round of support: State Commiteeeman Casha, Former Chair Page and Former Freeholder Lyon all endorse.
(New Vernon, NJ)---- Today Republican Leader Donald Dinsmore confirmed that he is indeed a candidate for Morris County Freeholder. “I am ready to use my experience in the private, public and non-profit sectors to benefit Morris County.” This announcement also comes with broad support from within the Republican Community.
Harding Township Mayor Christopher Yates stated “Don approaches every challenge intelligently and pragmatically, and he has helped his Town maintain its unique character, I know he can do the same for Morris County.”
Additionally, William Felegi President of the Jefferson Republican Club stated, “I have known Don for years, his commitment to improving our community and furthering the Republican cause is exceptional.”
County-wide Officials Larry Casha, Republican State Committeeman Hank Lyon, Former Morris County Freeholder Patti Page- Former Morris County Republican Chair Richard Wall- Former Morris County Undersheriff & Treasurer of Washington Township Republican Committee James Barry- Former State Assemblyman
Local Officials & Activists Marie Fragomeni- President, Boonton Republican Club Doug Travers- Councilman, Borough of Butler Bruce Harris- Mayor, Borough of Chatham Len Resto-Councilman, Borough of Chatham Curt Ritter- Mayor, Township of Chatham Gene Fitzgerald- Former Councilman, Township of Denville Kevin Scollans- Former Councilman, Township of Denville Carol Spencer- Former Mayor & Councilwoman, Township of Denville Susan Tietjan- Former Councilwoman, Township of East Hanover Carmen Cefolo-Pane- Council President Borough of Florham Park Christopher Yates- Mayor, Harding Township Timothy Jones- Committeeman, Harding Township Dev Modi- Committeeman, Harding Township Nanette DiTosto- Committeewoman, Harding Township Louis Lanzarotti- Former Mayor & Committeeman Harding Township Mike Flanagan- Republican Activist, Harding Township William Felegi- Republican Club President- Jefferson Township & Former Vice-Chair Morris YRs Jayson Kohut- Chairman, Jefferson Township Republican Committee Jerry Stevenson- Former Republican Club President, Borough of Madison June Witty- Councilwoman, Township of Montville Lisa LoBiondo- Republican Activist Jonathon Wright- Former Chairman, Morristown Republican Committee Gene Paradiso- Republican Club President, Borough of Mount Arlington PAGE 2 of 3
Alex Roman- Councilman, Township of Mount Olive Louis Valori- Chairman, Parsippany-Troy Hill Republican Committee Lance Tkcas-Councilman, Township of Randolph Karen Jordan- President, Randolph Republican Club Gregg Forsbrey- Committeeman, Township of Washington Bill Wolgamuth- President, Washington Township Republican Club Antony Somma- Millennial Republican Activist, Madison County Committee member & Former MCYR Board Member Chris Gabbett- Millennial Republican Activist & Madison County Committee Member Jordan Chester- Former Vice Chair Morris County Young Republicans