Dnistrian, Piperno & Eulner Address the Media Regarding “The War being Waged on Monmouth County Schools and Families by Trenton Politicians”

Dnistrian, Piperno & Eulner Address the Media Regarding “The War being Waged on Monmouth County Schools and Families by Trenton Politicians”


The “Monmouth First” LD11 Team Demands An End

to “State Funding War Waged on Monmouth Schools and Families”, and a Full Restoration of Cuts to State Aid to Avert Freehold Regional Bussing Cuts, Possible Asbury Park Layoffs and more.

COLTS NECK, NJ, May 5th This morning, Monmouth County’s State Legislators and Candidates addressed the media and constituents to discuss “the war being waged on Monmouth County Schools by Trenton Politicians.” In light of recent reports that Asbury Park schools are mulling possible layoffs, and Freehold Regional School District being forced to cut bussing for 3,000 students, Monmouth County leaders discussed the root causes of the problem – specifically Governor Murphy and Senator Gopal’s funding formula known as S2. Since 2018, the 11th Legislative District alone has suffered a net loss of roughly $75M in state aid for its schools, with more intense cuts projected in the future.

“This week we learned that Freehold Regional School District, the largest school district in the area, is being forced to cut bussing for over 3,000 students” said Assemblywoman Marilyn Piperno (R-LD11). “What are the factors behind S2, you ask? It’s a great question. Nobody knows. No one can tell you how the metrics are applied to decimate schools and overload others. In March, I stood up on the Assembly floor and demanded we fully fund all our schools using either unspent COVID relief funds, or the state’s $10 billion surplus. The motion failed with zero support from our colleagues across the aisle. But watch as they come crawling out of the woodwork this election year to “save” us with money from the Governor. No one is buying their antics. And while that money is desperately needed, we desperately need to find a long-term solution to this mess.”

“The bussing cuts are the most recent of a string of changes the Freehold Regional School District is being forced into,” said Assemblywoman Kim Eulner (R-LD11). “They’ve already been forced to cut 132 staff positions, 15 percent of their administration and their administrative costs are 25 percent below the state average. They continue to raise taxes to the cap, and it’s still not nearly enough to deal with the loss of state funding. Last week the Governor made a comment while campaigning in Hudson County. Regarding building a new school there, he said: ‘It’s my money, and that’s how it’s going to be spent’. Well Mr. Governor, it is not your money. It’s ours. It belongs to the hardworking taxpayers of New Jersey and Monmouth County, and there is no reason we should continue to have our property taxes increased to the 2 percent max every year, just to lose out on bussing and other resources.”

“Just this morning, 3,000 kids across the Freehold Regional School District got onto buses to come to school. Next year, that bus service is gone,” said Steve Dnistrian, LD11 Candidate for State Senate. “This is not right, and it’s just the beginning of many cuts yet to come. The magic number here is $75 million. Keep in mind that $75 million has been cut from our schools in LD11 since the enactment of S2. And that money has been sent to other districts in the state. The Governor is sitting on a $10 billion surplus. Tap into it, Governor. Prevent needless suffering from happening to these families and students, which will surely affect education quality.” Dnistrian added, “Why would any elected official, vested with the responsibility of representing this district, vote in favor of a law to take all this money away from our schools? We’re going to get that answer for parents and for families because they deserve to know. Our kids don’t deserve to suffer because of some crazy formula that doesn’t make sense to anybody – the least of which, to us here in LD11”

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Steve Dnistrian is the Republican Candidate for State Senate in Legislative District 11. Marilyn Piperno and Kim Eulner are Republican representatives for Legislative District 11 in the General Assembly. The election takes place this November.

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