Doherty/Bateman Bill to Allow Dogs at Breweries Passes Senate 

Doherty/Bateman Bill to Allow Dogs at Breweries Passes Senate

The New Jersey State Senate has passed legislation sponsored by Senators Mike Doherty and Kip Bateman to allow dogs in New Jersey breweries.

“Any time we see an industry that’s actually growing in New Jersey, we should seize any opportunity we can to help those businesses succeed,” Senator Doherty (R-23) said. “Employers face enough challenges as it is because of all the red tape in this state. Our bill was inspired by all of the brewery owners who have been vocal about the fact that being dog-friendly is good for business. Eliminating the regulation that keeps dogs out of breweries is an easy way to keep craft beer flowing in the Garden State.”

The Senators’ legislation, S-2753, would permit dogs only in the sampling and tasting areas of New Jersey breweries, including indoor-only establishments.

“Across New Jersey, craft breweries are on the rise. We know how popular these destinations have become even in smaller communities, particularly among young adults,” Bateman (R-16) said. “Millennials will funnel $200 billion into the US economy this year alone. Research also shows that millennials also spend more than $1,285 per year on their pets. Unfortunately, this generation is leaving New Jersey at higher rate than any other population group, including retirees. By allowing dogs in breweries, we can give the next generation of NJ families another reason to stay in New Jersey and frequent the businesses they love.”

To prevent contamination, S-2753 would allow dogs to be present in areas of licensed microbreweries where brewed products are consumed. Dogs would not be permitted in areas where items produced for consumption might be contaminated. Dogs would also be prohibited from areas where they risk contaminating clean equipment, glassware, or related articles in the area designated for the consumption of brewed products.

Under the bill, areas where dogs are present would be required to be kept in a clean condition. Any messes or accidents must be promptly cleaned and sanitized. Additionally, staff members would not be permitted to have direct contact with dogs while on duty, and would be required to immediately wash their hands should direct contact occur.

To view a copy of the bill, click here.

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