Dover Democratic Municipal Chairman Applaud New Era For Morris Dems

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Dover Democratic Municipal Chairman Applaud New Era For Morris Dems
Dover Aldermen Correa, Valencia, and Cruz Endorse Duarte for Chair
Dover, NJ – Today, Dover Alderman and Municipal Democratic Chairman Edward Correa endorsed Amalia Duarte for Morris County Democratic Chair and applauded the overdue resignation of Chip Robinson.
Alderman and Municipal Committee Chair Edward Correa stated, “While I am extremely proud to support Amalia Duarte as potentially the first female and Latino Chair of the Morris County Democratic Committee, after a very productive meeting with her yesterday, I am convinced that she is far more than just a good candidate on paper. To the contrary, Ms. Duarte has the vision, values, and skills to successfully lead the MCDC through this period of transition and beyond.
She represents a new beginning for MCDC with more accountability and diverse voices at the table, especially people of color and women. I am excited to be a part of it.”
Additionally, Alderman and 4th Ward Democratic candidate Carlos Valencia and current 1st Ward Alderwoman Jessica Cruz offered their strong support and endorsement to Amalia Duarte.
Alderman Valencia stated, “I am thrilled to support Ms. Amalia Duarte for Chair of the MCDC. I firmly believe that moving forward she will avoid the errors of her predecessor and work cooperatively with the municipalities to keep the right people and elect real Democrats to turn more towns blue. I truly look forward to supporting her and working with her as Chair. I have no doubt that she will win her election at the convention.”
Alderwoman Jessica Cruz stated, “As the first Ecuadorian immigrant elected to the position of Alderwoman, I fully understand the gravitas of having Ms. Duarte as the first female and Latino person serve as our MCDC Chair and I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically endorse and support her candidacy. Ms. Duarte can count on me to provide her with whatever support she might need in her endeavors now and in the future.”
Amalia Duarte stated “I appreciate the endorsement and unequivocal support. I look forward to working with Dover to increase engagement with the Latino community across Morris County.”