Morris Democrats: Dover Mayor Dodd Politicizes Taxpayer Funded Event with Republican Allies

Dover Mayor Dodd Politicizes Taxpayer Funded Event with Republican Allies
Controversy erupted last Thursday at Dover’s annual Senior Picnic when embattled mayor James Dodd turned the celebration into a campaign event for himself and Republican candidates Sheriff James Gannon, Assemblyman Anthony Bucco, Jr. and Freeholder Heather Darling.
Dodd introduced Darling as the "County Surrogate" not just once, but twice. And the person translating the speeches into Spanish did as well. Ms. Darling, who is currently a Morris County Freeholder, is running for the office of Morris County Surrogate in the middle of her Freeholder term. Darling, upon receiving this misleading introduction, made no attempt to set the record straight.
Darling is already under fire for misrepresenting her legal experience and for floating a scheme to use the Surrogate's Office to promote compensation for parents who adopt out their children. As a lawyer, Darling should know that such compensation is unlawful.
Mayor Dodd wrapped up by thanking “Surrogate Darling” for attending the taxpayer-funded picnic.
When reached for comment, Democratic Surrogate candidate Michael Thompson brushed off the controversy, stating, "The voters know this is just Republican politics as usual in Morris County. They are tired of it. My real concern is that, as a probate attorney who has practiced in the Surrogate's Court on a weekly basis for over 20 years, I know that Darling just doesn't have the experience for this important job. The citizens of Morris County deserve a Surrogate with real experience."