Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Solidarity Remains an Inspiration for Our Labor Movement

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Solidarity Remains an Inspiration for Our Labor Movement

The New Jersey State AFL-CIO is proud to honor Dr. Martin Luther, King Jr. and his unwavering commitment to justice, dignity, respect and solidarity with the rights of working people.

In fact, Dr. King's last demonstration of civil disobedience was on behalf of sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee, who enlisted his aid during a lengthy strike for job safety, better wages and benefits and union recognition.

Actions like these are the reason why Dr. King's immemorial and inspiring words "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?" continues to resonate to us in the spirit of what solidarity means to our labor movement.

As union members, let us continue to uplift  Dr. King's legacy by using his example as a guide, standing together undivided as we work together towards a brighter future.

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