Dr. Mohan Candidate for NJ's 3rd Congressional District Slams Assemblyman Conaway for Anti-Patient Bill
For Immediate Release
Assemblyman Conaway must Resign Now! – Dr. Mohan, NJ’s 3rd Congressional District Republican Candidate
Holmdel, NJ - September 23, 2024 - Dr. Rajesh Mohan, Congressional candidate for New Jersey’s 3rd congressional district which includes parts of Burlington, Mercer and Monmouth counties is calling for the resignation of Assemblyman Herb Conaway from the position of Chair of the Assembly Health Committee and the Director of Public Health of Burlington County where he gets an additional salary of about $150,000.
Assemblyman Conaway is the main sponsor of Bill A1884. “This Bill is anti-patient, anti-science and anti-health care professionals,” said Dr. Mohan. “This Bill punishes health care professionals deviating from “contemporary scientific consensus” and would take medical science back to the medieval age when scientists, medical practitioners, and innovators were silenced and punished. Bill A1884 is another intrusion by the State into the sacred patient-doctor relationship perpetrated by Career Politician Conaway”, said Dr. Mohan.
“For these reasons and a pattern of behavior that has been extremist and tyrannical on families in Burlington County, and not based on scientific facts, he must resign” said Dr. Mohan.
Career Politician Conaway has been supported by big pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies. Apparently, his proposals have aligned with the agendas of pharmaceutical and insurance companies, making him their asset. Conaway was also one of the main forces behind implementing mandatory masking of children, school shutdowns, and closing down hiking trails in Burlington County as the Director of Public Health, policies that were not based on proven scientific facts, in ham-headed attempts to prevent the spread of Covid.
Under his watch cruel policies were implemented in which family members were not allowed to visit sick and dying patients admitted in hospitals during Covid. Conaway went for lazy knee-jerk reactions instead of using any coherent thought process in solving pandemic related issues, adopting draconian shutdowns and policies that were not based on medical science. Career Politician Conaway has pushed paper as a lawyer and adopted bureaucratic measures while setting aside his “doctor mindset” in solving healthcare problems. This has led to immeasurable harm to children because of not attending school as well as businesses shutting down never to return again.
Shamelessly, after hurting families and children in Burlington County with his policies based on quackery rather than medical science, Career Politician Conaway is now attempting to be a congressman, a position that would take his radical bureaucratic mindset to Washington, DC. He must be stopped and retired.
For more information about Dr. Mohan’s campaign, please visit MohanForUSCongress.com and follow us on social media.