DRBC Announces Delaware Basin Spring Photo Contest Winner

DRBC Announces Delaware Basin Spring Photo Contest Winner
Summer Contest begins June 21

WEST TRENTON, N.J. (May 31) – The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) today announced that Laura Orbine’s photograph, titled Tulipes `a Frenchtown, was chosen as the winner of the commission’s Spring 2019 Photo Contest.  Thirty-five photographs were submitted by 11 individuals for the contest.


“This scene really spoke to me, and I knew I needed to grab a photo because the tulip bloom is fleeting,” said Laura Orbine of Frenchtown, N.J.  “I am fortunate to live in the Delaware River corridor and thankful for the individuals and organizations that protect it as a water resource, recreational area, historical region, and treasure trove of natural beauty.”


For this season’s contest, DRBC invited Julia Fahl, Mayor of Lambertville, N.J., to join our internal judging team as a guest judge.  “Laura’s photograph from a fellow river town captured the essence of spring in the Delaware River Basin beautifully, from the colorful tulips to the new growth on the trees overlooking the water,” said Mayor Fahl.


The winning image will be featured on the commission’s website at https://www.nj.gov/drbc/basin/photo/photo-contest.html and on DRBC’s Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr social media sites.  The photo will also be published in the commission’s 2019 annual report, and the winner will receive a certificate of recognition.


In addition to holding the public seasonal photo contests, DRBC also holds an internal contest for staff.  The judging team chose Water Quality Intern Daisy DePaz’s photo Spring Showers at High Falls as the winner.  “You can almost feel the energy of High Falls, Bucks County’s largest waterfall, in Daisy’s photo,” said Fahl.  “In other seasons, the water flow may be only a trickle, but in spring, it comes alive, plunging 15 feet before continuing its journey to the Delaware River.”


The commission thanks everyone who submitted photos this season.  The contest’s purpose is to highlight photography representing the beauty, diversity, function, and significance of the water resources of the Delaware River Basin, a 13,539-square mile watershed.


Approximately 13.3 million people rely on the water resources of the Delaware River Basin to support a variety of significant uses including public drinking water, agriculture, power generation, recreation, fisheries, and aquatic life.


The Summer Photo Contest will begin on June 21 and has a deadline of August 15, 2019.  Complete contest details, including instructions on how to submit photographs, are available on DRBC’s website at the above link.


The DRBC is a federal/interstate government agency responsible for managing the water resources within the Delaware River Basin without regard to political boundaries.  The five commission members are the governors of the basin states (Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) and the commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ North Atlantic Division, who represents the federal government.


To learn more about the commission, please visit www.drbc.gov or follow DRBC on Twitter at @DRBC1961.


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Winning Image for the Public Contest: Tulipes `a Frenchtown by Laura Orbine

Winning Image for DRBC’s Staff Contest: Spring Showers at High Falls by Daisy DePaz



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