DRBC Update: Adjudicatory Hearing on D-2017-009-2: April 15, 2020

The DRBC will hold an adjudicatory hearing (a trial-like proceeding before a Hearing Officer) commencing April 15, 2020, on Docket D-2017-009-2, issued by the Commission to Delaware River Partners, LLC for the project known as the Gibbstown Logistics Center Dock 2.


Complete details are found at https://www.nj.gov/drbc/meetings/adjudicatory-hearing_DRP.html, but in short:

  • Hearing Location: The hearing will take place at the State of NJ Office of Administrative Law, Quakerbridge Plaza Building 9, Mercerville (Hamilton), NJ 08619, Hearing Room 1.
  • Hearing Dates: April 15, 2020 and successive business days through completion.
  • Hearing Start Time: The hearing on April 15, 2020 will run from 9 a.m. until no later than 4 p.m.  The schedule on each successive hearing day is at the discretion of the Hearing Officer and may vary; DRBC will provide updates on its website (see above link) during the hearing daily after 4 p.m.
  • Seating: The hearing is open to the public.  Approximately 40 seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  The building opens at 8 a.m. and all visitors must pass through security screening, operated by the State of New Jersey Office of Administrative Law, upon entering.
  • Written Comments: Additional written comments on Docket D-2017-009-2 for the Gibbstown Logistics Center Dock 2 will be accepted through April 24, 2020.  Written comments may be submitted through the Commission’s web-based comment system: http://hearing.drbc.commentinput.com/.

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