Duncan Harrison’s Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will Jumpstart Trenton’s Economic Revolution

Duncan Harrison’s Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will Jumpstart Trenton’s Economic Revolution


TRENTON, NJ—Councilman-at-Large and candidate for Mayor Duncan Harrison today announced his plan to jumpstart an economic revolution in Trenton by establishing a new Office of Business Retention and Recruitment. The primary mission of this office will be to provide local businesses with the resources they need to succeed and to leverage Trenton’s local resources to better market the city as a destination for start-ups and businesses looking to expand.

“We need leaders with a bold vision for Trenton’s economic future and the courage to make the changes that will transform our city into an economic powerhouse,” Harrison said, “My Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will be the spark we need to ignite Trenton’s economic revolution.”

Harrison’s Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will revolutionize the way businesses work with City Hall. This office will eliminate the confusion and bureaucratic shuffling that has caused businesses to give up on Trenton by ensuring that every department in City Hall is represented. Streamlining communication and decision-making will make it easier and more convenient for established businesses to expand in Trenton and will make the city a more appealing destination for start-ups.

Harrison is also committed to supporting Trenton’s small business owners, which is why the Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will provide local businesses with resources they need to grow and hire more Trentonians. That means helping small businesses compete for government contracts as well as streamlining services so businesses can work with the government on façade improvements, obtain permits for community events, and accomplish their goals without getting tied up in red tape.

“There are many small businesses that want to compete for government contracts but may be intimidated by the process. How can a small business ever grow into a medium or large business if it doesn’t take that leap of faith? I am committed to simplifying and opening up the process for Trenton businesses,” stated Councilman Duncan Harrison.

Looking to the future, Harrison knows the only way Trenton will be taken seriously as a regional player is with a robust and healthy economy supported by diverse industries. Moving beyond depending solely on the State will be essential for Trenton’s future, as will bringing in 21st century businesses. Harrison’s Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will focus on these priorities by working with the Chambers of Commerce, Greater Trenton, Trenton Downtown Association and other groups to design a strategic marketing campaign that will go beyond past efforts to attract businesses to Trenton by developing targeted proposals that highlight specific aspects of Trenton that will appeal most to the businesses we want to attract. Harrison will also ensure that members of every Department are present and involved in all planning meetings so businesses and developers can get their projects approved quickly and hit the ground running.

“Trenton has what it takes to be the next economic driver in New Jersey,” Harrison said, “We are located in the center of the most important economic region in the country, we have an abundance of low-cost housing and work space, and—most important—Trentonians are the toughest, hardest-working people I know. My Office of Business Retention and Recruitment will spark the economic revolution we need to build a new Trenton economy that provides good jobs for everyone and moves us beyond going hat in hand to the state and begging for crumbs.”

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