Durr Co-Sponsors Resolution Urging Murphy to Reopen State Offices Closed to the Public

Durr Co-Sponsors Resolution Urging Murphy to Reopen State Offices Closed to the Public

Senator Edward Durr is co-sponsoring a resolution that would urge Governor Murphy to immediately address the unemployment claim backlog and reopen State offices closed to the public.

“We’ve heard too many excuses from Governor Murphy for his refusal to reopen all unemployment centers that have been closed for nearly two years,” said Durr (R-3). “There are thousands of unemployed workers who can’t resolve their claims online or over the phone to get the benefits they’re owed. It seems absurd that we have to pass a resolution to force the Murphy administration to reopen offices to serve the public, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the situation.”

The resolution, SR-66, urges the Governor to immediately address the unemployment claim backlog and reopen State offices currently closed to public.

“I am thankful that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle finally heard the cries that we have been hearing for the past two years,” added Durr. “The passing of this resolution shows that it’s time to rein in the Governor and restore power to the elected representatives in the Senate and Assembly, as intended by our constitution.”

Durr is also co-sponsoring a related bill, S-1200, which limits the duration of a State of Emergency or public health emergency declaration to 60 days unless an extension is authorized by the Legislature.

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