Durr Slams Murphy For Gas Tax Increase

Durr Slams Murphy For Gas Tax Increase

Senator Ed Durr issued the following statement slamming the Murphy administration after the Treasury Department announced Friday morning, strategically before the long Labor Day holiday weekend, that the gas tax in New Jersey was being automatically increased 0.9 cents per gallon starting October 1.

“At a time when New Jerseyans are struggling to make ends meet because of high inflation they don’t need another tax increase. Families need legislators who will stand up to bring down the enormous cost of living in New Jersey. I’m calling on the Legislature to support my bill to provide a gas tax credit to New Jerseyans to offset these needless tax increases and to hold Governor Murphy to his word when he said earlier this year that there would be no new gas tax increases.

We know how much Governor Murphy loves to raise taxes on working families to maintain government revenues, but these increases must come to an end. If we don’t act now, regressive gas tax increases are going to become more volatile. The misguided electric vehicle mandates being pushed by the Murphy administration will leave no choice but to raise gas taxes even more in the near future. While the government can’t strong arm you into buying an EV, they can certainly try to make gas-powered cars too expensive to fill up at the pump.”

Senator Durr’s bill, S-2290, sponsors a gas tax credit to help offset rising costs caused by inflation and put more money back into the pockets of taxpayers.

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