CD1 Republican candidate Joshua Duvall

CHERRY HILL - NJ CD-1 GOP candidate Josh Duvall released the following statement:


“The Democratic party was on full display once again last night, this time ratcheting up the rhetoric on their extreme far-left policy proposals. Government takeover of health care was a thread that weaved its way through the entire debate, being revisited time and time again.”


“For a party obsessed with talking points like ‘my body, my choice’ and ‘health care decisions should be made between the patient, their doctor - and no one else’ Democrats sure don’t seem to have any problem forcing a VA style system down our throats; putting bureaucrats smack dab in the middle of the patient/doctor relationship.”


“The famed, ‘Medicare-for-All’ plan (which Representative Donald Norcross strongly supports:https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/a-list-of-139-congressional-dem ocrats-who-support-disastrous-medicare-for-all) would take away the private health insurance of nearly 200 million Americans, forcing us into a socialist style rationing health care system. For cancer survivors like me, that is a medical nightmare.”


“The UK’s National Health System (NHS) is constantly touted as being the shining star of how government health care should be run - yet a recent report (source: https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l4184) found that less than half of NHS trusts and foundation trusts currently met the 18 week waiting time standard for elective treatment, and only 38% met the 62 day standard from referral to treatment for cancer patients.”


“62 days is the standard timeline for referral to treatment for cancer patients? Are you kidding me?”


“When I had cancer in 2017 here was my timeline: primary care appointment, cat scan, biopsy, Pet-Scan, diagnosis.”


“All of that happened in two weeks.”


“We don’t have time to talk about all of the innovation, research, and new drugs US companies produce to help patients - much of which would disappear as a result of these dangerous ideas.”


“Not to mention, the plan Norcross and his band of far-left fringe colleagues support would cost an estimated $30 Trillion to US taxpayers (source: http://www.crfb.org/blogs/how-much-will-medicare-all-cost). That’s 30% more than all the debt our country has accumulated since its founding.”


“Why not focus on bi-partisan solutions like customizable insurance plans we can buy across state lines, medical tort reform, telehealth, and streamlining the drug approval process so we can get better drugs to market faster and cheaper?”


“‘Medicare-for-All’ means longer waits, lower quality care, and worsening patient outcomes. It’s a disastrous idea for cancer survivors like me, and I don’t want it.”


ABOUT: Duvall received his bachelors in Management, concentrating in Finance and Marketing from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa and his Executive Degree in Financial Planning from the Fischer School of Business at The Ohio State University. Duvall currently runs his own financial planning and accounting business, and works with other organizations managing their marketing and online content. He also works with several non-profits, sits on the Cherry Hill GOP committee, volunteers with youth sports, and is actively involved in his local church. Duvall is a cancer survivor and is married with two young children.


Facebook: www.facebook.com/JoshDuvallNJ

Twitter: www.twitter.com/JoshDuvallNJ

For more information visit www.duvallforcongress.com

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