East Brunswick GOP Chairman Jesal Amin asks Councilman Jim Wendell, “Is there anyone you won’t sell out?”
East Brunswick GOP Chairman Jesal Amin asks Councilman Jim Wendell, “Is there anyone you won’t sell out?”
For Immediate Release
East Brunswick, NJ- East Brunswick GOP Chairman Jesal Amin released the following statement asking Councilman Jim Wendell, “Is there anyone you won’t sell out?”. Councilman Jim Wendell was elected to the council as a Republican twice, before abruptly switching parties last year.
Chairman Amin Stated:
“The residents of East Brunswick deserve an answer to a simple question from Councilman Wendell, “Is there anyone that you won’t sell out?”. Councilman Wendell ran and won twice as a Republican, running against the very policies that the Democrat’s are now promoting. Then, when he felt he could bolster his own political standing he switched parties, and sold out those who supported him for most of the last decade.
Furthermore, during Councilman Wendell’s tenure he has put the needs of one constituency above all else, his developer friends. It seems like there has never been a short sited or ill-advised development proposal that did not receive Councilman Wendell’s full support. It has become abundantly clear, Jim Wendell is not in office to make East Brunswick a better place to live, work or raise a family, but rather to improve his political standing and enrich his new friends. If he hasn’t sold you out yet, just give him time.”
East Brunswick deserves leaders that can be held in higher esteem than Councilman Wendell.
Questions and comments may be directed towards Chairman Amin, at jesalamin2@gmail.com.