East Brunswick Republicans call on Democrats to Reject Trenton’s Proposed Tax Increases

East Brunswick Republicans call on Democrats to Reject Trenton’s Proposed Tax Increases.

For Immediate Release

East Brunswick, NJ- East Brunswick Councilwoman Camille Clark and running mates Curt Phillipczak and Dhar Khona called on Mayor Cohen, and the Democratic Council candidates to reject the tax increases on small businesses proposed by Trenton Democrats.

Councilwoman Clark stated:

“These proposed tax increases from Trenton and Governor Murphy contradict the aim of  Mayor Cohen’s redevelopment plans.  As Mayor Cohen and Jim Wendell talk about attracting businesses to Rt. 18, Trenton Democrats are working to drive small business owners out of state.  Mayor Cohen and the Democratic Council candidates need to put the economic needs of the residents of East Brunswick first and put aside their own partisan Party politics.

Council candidate Curt Philipczak, a small business owner himself, stated:

“If East Brunswick can put forth a smart redevelopment plan, we can attract new businesses and residents, which will increase the township’s property tax revenue, while allowing us to hold taxes low for East Brunswick residents.  Unfortunately, the tax increases coming from Trenton and Gov Murphy, especially those taxes on small businesses, mean East Brunswick will become a less attractive place to live and own a business.  Mayor Cohen and the Democratic Council members need to do their jobs, and fight for the taxpayers of East Brunswick.”

Council candidate Dhar Khona emphasized the benefits of low taxes on East Brunswick residents:

“Trenton’s proposed tax increases harm the residents and businesses of East Brunswick.  My goal, when elected to the East Brunswick Township Council, is to work to lower the tax burdens on East Brunswick residents which will in turn stimulate local businesses.  Tax increases from Trenton make that more difficult and mean East Brunswick will be a less attractive place to live, work and raise a family. Mayor Cohen and the Democratic Council members shouldn’t put party politics before the good of the town. East Brunswick residents will ultimately end up paying the price.”

Questions and comments may be directed to eastbrunswick2018@gmail.com.

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