East Brunswick Republicans Criticize Mayor Cohen, Council Majority for Attracting Lawsuits Instead of Businesses
East Brunswick Republicans Criticize Mayor Cohen, Council Majority for Attracting Lawsuits Instead of Businesses
East Brunswick, NJ- The East Brunswick Republicans for council, Councilwoman Camille Clark, Curt Phillipczak and Dhar Khona released the following statements criticizing Mayor Cohen and the Democratic Council Majority over a lawsuit filed by numerous businesses and property owners located on Rt. 18 who are facing condemnation through eminent domain actions as part of the Mayor’s redevelopment scheme. The attorneys representing the Township of East Brunswick, The Township Council and the Planning Board filed a motion in the Superior Court of New Jersey to have only Mayor Cohen removed from the civil action. This motion was denied. Court Docket MID-L-4858-17.
Councilwoman Clark Stated:
“It is disingenuous of the Mayor to attempt to remove only himself from civil action, while the Council and Planning Board are left to face civil repercussions for the Mayor’s insistence to incorporate the abhorrent practice of condemnation of property through eminent domain in his blueprint for redeveloping the Route 18 corridor. It is ironic that I, who vocally expressed opposition to using condemnation as a bullying tactic, is named in the lawsuit, while the Mayor attempts to weasel his way out of the lawsuit that was precipitated by his ill-advised and unsavory utilization of condemnation. The public deserves to know how much the taxpayers just spent and are spending to keep the Mayor’s reputation out of the judgement of a court of law.”
Curt Phillipczak Stated:
“It is unfortunate that the Mayor and Democratic Council Majority have attracted lawsuits and thus required funds that could be used for education, to instead be used to defend the Mayor and council majority’s unjust and unlawful use of eminent domain. East Brunswick residents and their children deserve leaders who put their interests and education first, as I will do.”
Dhar Khona Stated:
“The Mayor likes to talk about how redevelopment will attract businesses and millennials to East Brunswick, but the only thing he’s successfully attracted so far is lawsuits and the legal fees that come with them. What kind of message does it send to prospective business owners about starting a business in East Brunswick, when the Mayor and council majority have shown that if you fall out of favor with them, they’ll try to take your business and destroy your livelihood in the process.”
Questions and comments may be directed to eastbrunswick2018@gmail.com.
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CivilCaseJacket-7.pdf"] [pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Coremark-Summary-Judgment-Motion-1.pdf" title="Coremark Summary Judgment Motion (1)"]