East Windsor Republicans Demand Answers Following Health Inspector Scandal

East Windsor Republicans Demand Answers Following Health Inspector Scandal


In recent days, it has come to our attention that the Health Inspector (Health Officer) for Hamilton Township has failed in his duties. Jeffrey Plunkett misled the public over how often establishments were inspected and about inspecting The Hamilton Township Animal Shelter. This individual has actually admitted to NEVER inspecting the animal shelter. The dereliction of duty is so severe that he may lose his license as a Health Officer.


Seeing as this person is also listed as the Health Officer for East Windsor, we are extremely concerned. We are doubtful that someone could be doing such a poor job in one town and an exemplary job in another. The current administration would like to downplay Mr. Plunkett's involvement in the township, but the people of East Windsor deserve more.


The Republican team of Paul Hummel Jr., Vincent Stottlemyer, Anna Lustenberg, and Steven Uccio want assurances. We need to know that the restaurants and other establishments in the township are safe to eat in and up to standard. Our elected officials have an obligation to ensure money is spent wisely and employees are doing their job properly. We ask that the township provide more information to the public as to how much oversight there was over Mr. Plunkett's duties. 

Our leaders should not hide from potential problems. They should face them directly.


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