Editorial: Can Murphy Really Relate To Middle Class?

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Editorial: Can Murphy Really Relate To Middle Class?

November 3, 2017
CONTACT: Guadagno For Governor
EDITORIAL: Can Murphy really relate to middle class?
The Asbury Park Press

Phil Murphy, the Democratic candidate for governor in New Jersey, has regularly told the story of how he pulled himself up by his bootstraps after growing up in a struggling working-class household in the Boston suburbs.

It’s a true rags-to-riches story. But if he should be elected governor, we question whether he will be able to translate that boyhood experience into a full appreciation for the struggles the middle class in New Jersey …

Make no mistake: Murphy, as spelled out in our Thursday story “Here’s how Murphy, Guadagno’s property tax bills compare to yours,” isn’t just rich. He’s super-rich. Exactly how rich, he isn’t saying…

Does his wealth really matter? Will it affect how he governs and how he sets his priorities? One clue that it might is the fact that despite property taxes being the number one concern of New Jersey taxpayers for years, it has barely registered on his radar during the campaign.

His focus instead is on spending more money — taxpayers’ money — on programs he believes will help the “working people.” …

It’s also disturbing that Murphy has yet to provide specific information about exactly how he acquired his wealth or the sources of his investment income, which in 2015 exceeded $7 million. The public, particular a skeptical middle class, has an absolute right to know…

Read more: http://www.app.com/story/opinion/editorials/2017/11/02/phil-murphy-wealth-middle-class-property-taxes/107279156/

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