Einstein for Hoboken Hosts Successful Launch Event


Einstein for Hoboken Hosts Successful Launch Event!


Hoboken, NJ, July 10 – The Einstein for Hoboken launch event Saturday, July 8th, brought over 3 dozen people together to discuss the issues and challenges facing our city. Independent candidate, Joshua Einstein, was emphatically proud, stating that “as a Hoboken political outsider unaligned with any local political clan I am humbled and inspired that so many people came to help celebrate the campaign launch.” He continued “at a time when many people find local politics particularly toxic and disenchanting, to have so many people respond positively to our campaign is truly moving.”

The event was held in the beautiful outdoor café space of Hoboken Hothouse and lasted between 2 and 3 hours. Hothouse owner, Karen Nason, the first Hoboken mayoral candidate to declare her run raised a toast for city council candidate Einstein. Also in attendance where two persons from different Hoboken mayoral camps of which Einstein stated “I am happy that supporters of several mayoral hopefuls came and enjoyed themselves, I welcome them and the vast majority of Hoboken who are tired of the empty promises made by the political establishment.” He continued “whatever ones’ politics, the neglected infrastructure (at the root of west side flooding, watermain breaks, potholes and more), an approach to affordable rental stock that encourages the depletion of it (by encouraging condo conversion), and the fact that we have a terrible return on our investment when it comes to the huge portion of our taxes that the county uses the city to farm are just a few of the issues that everyone knows have been left unaddressed by our ‘political leadership.’”

Unafraid to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty for the people, the candidate himself manned the grill in a down to earth and grassroots affair indicative of a campaign unique in the Hoboken political universe. Candidate Einstein stated “many campaigns are top down, impersonal, and anesthetized because special interest funded operations inevitably have to water down their might-have-been policies into empty platitudes to make their backers happy.” He continued “ours is a citizen campaign, we are building from the ground up amongst people that have a different vision for Hoboken, one that views citizens as stakeholders not subjects, that represents the needs of the majority rather than the luxury-wants of the few, and that seeks actual solutions for the systemic problems that have been ignored to long.”


Einstein for Hoboken


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