ELEC 825: National Fix a Leak Week Spotlights the Need to Invest in New Jersey’s Drinking Water, Wastewater, Storm Water Management Systems


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (March 21, 2017) – Today, Chairman of the Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC) and Business Manager of the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 825 Greg Lalevee released the following statement urging investment in the state’s water infrastructure systems:

“New Jersey’s water delivery systems leak up to 30 percent of water before ever reaching the tap. That’s not a leak one community or one water company can fix alone. While New Jersey’s water infrastructure systems are in better shape than many others across the country, the fact remains we still have a lot of work to do to make these systems as safe and as efficient as they could be.

“There’s too much at stake, including public health and safety, economic competitiveness and the need to protect a limited natural resource for future generations. Let’s take this opportunity on National Fix a Leak Week to come together to secure a permanent source of funding for our water infrastructure to improve efficiency and protect the water supply. We are looking forward to working with leaders in the both the public and private sectors over the coming months to turn this urgency into action for the citizens of New Jersey.”



About the Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative

ELEC is a labor-management organization that promotes economic development, investments in infrastructure and construction to provide opportunities for developers, union contractors and members of Operating Engineers Local 825. We find common ground with chambers of commerce, business partnerships, professional associations and industry coalitions to support policies, legislation and regulations that encourage responsible economic development and stimulate growth. Our efforts continue to build on the record of quality and safety in construction that has come to define work performed by Local 825 Operating Engineers and its signatory contractors.


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