ELEC News – Press Release February 24 2017 Annual Lobbying


The Annual Lobbying Reports filed with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission
(ELEC) reflect the financial activities of represented entities, governmental affairs agents, and persons or
groups communicating with the general public (grassroots lobbying).

On Thursday, March 2, 2017, at 10:00 a.m., data summarizing the Annual Lobbying Reports for the
2016 calendar year period will be available on ELEC’s website.  The summary data includes, total receipts and
expenditures, fees, and information on benefit passing. Copies of the annual reports also will be available at that
time on ELEC’s website at:


Copies of 2016 Annual Lobbying Reports will also be available for review in the public records room.
If you wish to photocopy a report, a photocopier is available and there will be no charge for the first 50 pages
printed from the photocopier. Thereafter, the fee schedule as provided in the “Open Public Records Act” will

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