ELEC News - Press Release September 05 2017 Candidate Position Statements Available
Position statements by six candidates for governor are now available for review on the website of the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) and the New Jersey Division of Elections.
The statements also will be posted shortly on the websites of 21 county clerks.
Under the law, gubernatorial candidates in the general election can post statements up to 500 words about their candidacies to guide voters.
This year, Republican nominee Kimberly Guadagno, Democratic nominee Phil Murphy, Libertarian candidate Peter Rohrman, Green Party candidate Seth Kaper-Dale and independent candidates Gina Genovese and Vincent Ross all have submitted statements to ELEC.
These are available at
The website of the state Division of Elections at http://www.nj.gov/state/elections/election-informationarchive-2017.html#general also displays them. The statements are available in English, Spanish, Korean and Gujarati.
Under legislation (A-4875/ S-1996) recommended by ELEC and the Constitutional Officers Association of New Jersey, hundreds of thousands of dollars now will be saved each gubernatorial election year because the statements no longer are being printed on paper and mailed to voters. During the 2013 election, the printed statements and mailing costs totaled $600,000. Governor Chris Christie signed the new law August 21, 2017.
“In the era of the Internet, it simply made no financial sense to keep mailing these statements out each year,’’ said Jeff Brindle, ELEC’s Executive Director. “Moreover, the statements are now available to the voting public much sooner than in the past when the public would receive them just days before the election on the sample ballot.”
“I want to offer particular thanks to Hunterdon County Clerk Mary Melfi, who led the way in bringing about this important change,’’ Brindle said. “I would further like to thank Governor Christie for signing the legislation, and Assembly members Elizabeth Maher Muoio and Reed Guisciora (both D-15) and Senators Jeffrey Van Drew (D-1st) and James Beach (D-6th) for co-sponsoring bills in the Assembly and Senate, respectively.”