Elmwood Park Reorg; Female Majority Council, First Full Dem Governing Body since 1960's; Council President Reappointment

Press Release:


The following is sent on behalf of the Elmwood Park Democratic Club


This evening's annual reorganization meeting of the Elmwood Park Mayor and Council marks a historic occasion for our Borough and our party. Denise Ingui and Doris Wechtler will be sworn onto the Elmwood Park Council for 3-year terms, following their hard-fought victory in the November election. Ingui, the Elmwood Park Middle School secretary and newcomer to politics, received the most votes in the election. Wechtler, a medical office manager, has previously served on the Elmwood Park Board of Education four different times.


For the first time ever, a majority of the council will be female. Prior to today, only seven women have ever served on the Elmwood Park Council. This year, four women will serve simultaneously.


In addition, it will be the first time since the 1960's that the makeup of the Mayor & Council will be fully Democratic.


Moreover, Council President Daniel Golabek, who at 23 is the youngest councilmember in Bergen County and likely youngest council president in New Jersey, is expected to be reappointed by his colleagues to continue serving as Council President.


The Honorable Senator Nellie Pou will administer the oaths of office.


Date: January 3, 2019

8 PM

Elmwood Park Municipal Building

182 Market St

Elmwood Park, NJ 07407



Daniel Golabek



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