Emergency Room Doctor Seeks CD-11 Congressional Seat;Will Fight Extremists to Save the American Dream

(Belleville NJ) Dr. Raafat Barsoom - an emergency room doctor, is running for Congress to help restore the American Dream and help his adopted homeland at a time when it has been plunged into crisis by radical progressive ideologues who have a stranglehold on government.

Dr Barsoom, 56, is seeking the Republican nomination for the House of Representatives in Congressional District 11- which is now represented by liberal Democrat Mikie Sherrill.
“I love America, my family and I are living the American Dream, but that dream is being shattered by extremists who are creating a nightmare for honest, hard-working Americans. I want to go to Congress and fight for the people that the Biden Administration and Mikie Sherrill are sacrificing to the progressive agenda,” said Dr. Barsoom.

Among the issues that Dr. Barsoom says America must address to keep the American Dream alive for future generations are illegal immigration; crime, taxes and education.
“Our country is being overrun by illegal immigrants who receive billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded aid despite having made no contributions to America,” says Dr. Barsoom.

“Violent offenders prowl our neighborhoods, breaking into homes, stealing cars, and assaulting and killing innocent people -- while our prosecutors do nothing to protect us” he continued.
“The primary duty of government is to protect our nation’s sovereignty and keep our citizens safe. The Biden Administration and Mikie Sherrill are failing on both counts, notes Barsoom.”

As an emergency room doctor at CareWell Health Medical Center in East Orange, Dr Barsoom deals with the impact of crime and drugs on the local population daily. “Sadly, every week I have to tell a mother that her son or daughter has died. I don’t want to go on doing that. I want to go to Congress and make a difference in people’s lives.”

Dr. Barsoom was born in Cairo, Egypt to a Christian working-class family. He was admitted to the University of Cairo and earned a medical degree in 1993. He furthered his education at the American University in Cairo until he became a consultant to the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) in Cairo. Dr. Barsoom opened a medical office in a poor neighborhood in Cairo and joined an American Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) managing United States aid to improve the health care of the local population.

Unfortunately, his medical office was in a district of Cairo controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. Being a Christian in that neighborhood was risky. After receiving numerous death threats, he fled Egypt with just $200 in his pocket.

He entered the country visa legally in 1998. His Egyptian medical degree was not recognized in the United States; so, he was forced to work menial jobs to earn a new medical degree and raise enough money to bring his wife Eva and 7-year-old daughter to the United States.

He worked a full-time job and studied to pass the medical exams necessary to become a licensed physician in America. Although times were tough for him and his family, he did not take a single penny from the government; believing ‘if you want money, you must work for it.’

He began his U.S. surgical residency at Jacobi and Montefiore hospitals in the Bronx, NY. He then started his emergency and trauma medicine residency at SUNY Downstate Hospital and Kings County Hospital, both in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Eventually he and his wife earned enough money to buy a house in Belleville, NJ, where their son was born.

In 2010 Dr Barsoom began practicing at Mountainside Hospital in Montclair, NJ as an emergency room doctor. When the Covid 19 pandemic hit in 2020, he went to Texas and worked in a makeshift Intensive Care Unit with 95 beds for Covid patients.
“I came to America from a country where religious and personal rights, and political liberty were not recognized. Fortunately, I made it the United States and I am able to live the American Dream. I want others to live that dream too,” said Dr. Barsoom.
For More information on Dr. Barsoom, visit

CD-11 covers 15 municipalities in Essex County; 27 in Morris County and 4 in Passaic County

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