EMILY’s List Endorses Laurie Poppe for State Senate in New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District

EMILY’s List Endorses Laurie Poppe for State Senate in New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District

October 19th, 2017


Princeton – Laurie Poppe has earned the backing of  EMILY’s List  for State Senate in New Jersey’s 16th Legislative District.


EMILY’s List aims to elect Democratic, pro-choice women to office at every level of government.


“I am honored to receive the support of EMILY’s List,” said Poppe. “I chose to run for office because our families’ interests had been pushed aside by dangerous political agendas. We need to make sure we’re investing in our children’s futures, protecting critical women’s health services, and making it easier for every family to build a life here. I am proud to receive EMILY’s List’s endorsement and look forward to fighting for their mission in the State Senate.”


Laurie Poppe is challenging Republican State Senator Kip Bateman.



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