Endorsements for Congressman Gottheimer

Statement from State Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-37): 
"I am a Progressive Democrat.  But We represent the “big tent” party. We might disagree on some issues but we must be respectful of the varied districts our congress members represent. Josh Gottheimer Is an excellent representative of the values and the politics of the district he represents. We need room in our party and in our country for the folks who believe In a society that is based on equality, but have differences along the way.

Josh Gottheimer represents these values as shown by his votes to protect a woman’s right to choose, protect the civil rights of the LGBTQ community and all people of color, and stand by DREAMERS. He also has fought to fix our crumbling infrastructure, which is a big issue for me.

I’m looking forward to having Josh there in 2020 when we coalesce to defeat the President."

Statement from Bergen County Democratic Chairman Paul Juliano and Vice-Chairwoman Balpreet Grewal-Virk:

“The Democratic Party has always welcomed diverse viewpoints under our Big Tent. However, let’s not forget how far we’ve come since the Fifth District was represented by an anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, anti-healthcare Tea Party extremist.  We cannot lose sight of how many candidates tried and failed to win in the 5th and that that Donald Trump won the district just two and a half years ago. The Fifth District could easily swing back if not for the hard work and dedication of our Congressman, Josh Gottheimer. We’re fortunate to have a Congressman that delivers for our communities and fights every day for our families. No matter your shade of blue, we must keep our eye on what's most important in 2020, winning back the White House and keeping control of the House of Representatives."


Statement from  John Currie, Passaic County Chairman/NJ State Democratic Chairman:

Josh Gottheimer flipped the Fifth District when nobody thought it was possible and it is as important as ever that we keep the Fifth blue.   It is quite possible that maintaining Democratic control of the house in 2020 will come down to what happens in New Jersey.  The Fifth District could be the difference between having Democratic or Republican Speaker. We need the strongest possible candidate who can win a swing district that Trump won and that is Congressman Josh Gottheimer.


Statement from Katie Rotondi, Sussex County Democratic Chairwoman:

“Josh Gottheimer has been a breath of fresh air for Sussex County. For over a decade, Democrats tried to defeat Republican Rep. Scott Garrett whose oppressive policies were suffocating the county, but only Josh was successful in this fight because he made all Democrats a priority. His efforts on behalf of all our communities had resulted in Josh receiving a record number of votes for a Democratic congressional candidate. Whether Josh is successfully fighting to give Sussex County residents a higher return on their tax dollars, advocating for our municipalities to other government agencies in an effort to stop illegal activity that compromises the beauty and health of our rural area, or showing up himself to support victims of hate crimes; Josh is always working for and representing our Democratic ideals. I am a proud progressive who enthusiastically supports Josh Gottheimer.”


Statement from Tom Palmieri, Warren County Democratic Chairman:

“What makes us so fortunate to have Josh Gottheimer in Congress is the time and effort he puts into fighting for us. That type of leadership is rare and why I’m proud to support Josh for reelection.  I served as Chairman while Scott Garrett was our congressman and I strongly oppose a primary that puts this seat and our values at risk.”

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