Englewood Cliffs Mayor Mario M. Kranjac Statement On Council Meeting Actions On Police Chief

Press Release from Mario M. Kranjac, Mayor, Englewood Cliffs

October 11, 2018

At the Regular Mayor and Council meeting last night, the Englewood Cliffs Council and I considered the undisputed facts that Police Chief Michael Cioffi recorded himself threatening to kill an elected official and making discriminatory comments about women and our AsianAmerican residents. Additionally, the Chief recorded himself instructing officers to “follow the Mayor” (me) and he contemplated bringing “guys” to town to “take care of the Mayor”.

The Englewood Cliffs Council voted to: (i) re-affirm the Borough’s zero tolerance policy against workplace violence, racism and sexism; (ii) place Police Chief Michael Cioffi on unpaid leave for 120 days to permit all charges against him to be adjudicated; and (iii) appoint hearing officers to hear and adjudicate all pending charges against the Chief, two Captains and a Lieutenant.

I did the right thing and I condemned workplace violence, racism and sexism. No one is above the law, especially a police chief. The Council did the right thing last night and joined me in this condemnation.

Conspicuously missing from the public condemnation of these instances of hate speech, racism, sexism and work place violence are the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey Attorney General.

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