Enough, Governor Christie, Enough!
Friend --
Here's what we know: Governor Christie’s pink slip is dated for January 16th, 2018, unless he chooses to resign sooner — a decision we would welcome.
And, thanks to a record percentage of New Jersey residents, the history books will remember him as the country’s least popular governor in twenty years. That’s the good news.
Unfortunately, there is bad news too: he is still capable of wreaking havoc. Governor Christie's attempt to raid the reserves of the state’s largest health insurance provider, Horizon, and then blindside them with attacks, suggests that this remains his goal.
We can only assume that congressional Republicans’ stealthy effort to deprive millions of their health insurance, undermine consumer protections and give tax breaks to the wealthy, put Governor Christie in a fit of envy. But, that’s no excuse for raiding $300 million from Horizon's reserve funds in a cynical attempt to plug budget holes that he created.
No, Christie’s move is a shakedown — plain and simple — and, like a long list of hidden tax increases that he has enacted, it would leave some 3.8 million policyholders in New Jersey holding the bag. A nonpartisan analysis by New Jersey Spotlight called the move a “case of stealing from Peter to pay Paul” — one that “weakens its financial security" and "puts at risk the health of millions of New Jerseyans.”
Bottom line: We need to put a stop to this disastrous plan. Call Governor Christie’s office at 609-292-6000 and tell him to stop trying to undermine health care coverage at taxpayer expense. While you are at it, tell him to stop embarrassing New Jersey and just resign already.
New Jersey Democratic State Committee
P.S. If you can make a modest contribution to help us keep up the resistance, we would appreciate it. Every dollar helps us hold Republicans accountable for their misguided policies.
P.P.S. If you are as concerned as we are about the Republican attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, New Jersey Citizens Action is holding weekly vigils outside of the Republican congressional offices throughout the summer. Find one near you and sign-up here!