Essex Democrats Announce For Biden Booker, Malinowski, Payne, Sires And Sherrill On Organization Line

Essex County Democrats Chairman Leroy Jones

Essex Democrats Announce For Biden

Booker, Malinowski, Payne, Sires And Sherrill On Organization Line

Incumbent Freeholders, County Clerk Present United Front


Essex County Democratic Committee Chairman LeRoy Jones, after citing an abundance of caution and the priority of public safety and health that led to the cancellation of its March 18 Presidential Candidate Forum, has today announced the Essex County Democratic Committee’s endorsement of Joe Biden for President.

“An overwhelming number of Essex County Democratic municipal chairs have united behind the candidacy of former Vice-President Joe Biden and we all agree that the leadership, integrity and trustworthiness he offers the American people is sorely needed in the White House,” said Chairman Jones.

“These are challenging and uncertain times, and America is anxious for a President with practical experience and, above all, a compassion to address the critical issues ranging from health care to social security,” said Jones.

“Joe Biden has a proven record of protecting families and he has the backbone and fortitude to wage the good fight to bring back a sense of respect, normalcy and security to our country,” Jones said, adding, “and therefore with great enthusiasm and positive energy we, the Essex County Democratic Committee, whole heartedly endorse Joe Biden for President. “

United States Senator Cory Booker will also run on the Essex County Democratic line, along with Reps. Tom Malinowski (D-7), Donald Payne (D-10), Albio Sires (D-8) and Mikie Sherrill (D-11).

Chairman Jones also announced all nine incumbent members of the Board of Freeholders, seeking three year terms, will run on the organization line along with Essex County Clerk Chris Durkin seeking re-election to a five year term.

According to Jones no other Democrats sought the organization line.

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