Everytown for Gun Safety & Moms Demand Action Endorse Phil Murphy

Everytown for Gun Safety & Moms Demand Action Endorse Phil Murphy

Red Bank — Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action, the national grassroots organizations advocating for commonsense gun safety laws at the national and state levels, today endorsed Phil Murphy to be the next governor of New Jersey.

“Gun Violence used to be a third rail issue, but no more. We are mothers, fathers, law enforcement, gun owners, democrats and republicans alike, unified by the single message that America has lost enough of its citizens,” said Brett Sabo, New Jersey Chapter Lead for Moms Demand Action, part of Everytown for Gun Safety. “Moms Demand Action is so proud to be endorsing the candidate for governor who will stand up for New Jersey’s laws and our safety. That is why we are going to do everything we can to help ensure Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver win this November.”

“Under Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno, New Jersey has kowtowed to the NRA, despite near universal support for commonsense gun safety bills from New Jerseyans from both sides of the aisle, and from even gun owners,” said Murphy. “I know we can have laws that are fully respectful of the 2nd Amendment while keeping our communities and our families safe. Fortunately, I am not alone in this. I am honored to stand beside Everytown for Gun Safety in this fight for common sense.”

Murphy noted that over the past eight years, Governor Christie has vetoed legislation that would have kept New Jersey at the vanguard of states with strong yet commonsense gun safety laws, including measures that would have kept guns out of the hands of gang members and individuals convicted of making terroristic threats, restricted the size of gun magazines, prohibited the sale of .50-caliber rifles — a ban Governor Christie himself proposed after the tragic mass-shooing at Sandy Hook Elementary School — and required gun shops to carry at least one “smart gun” when the technology becomes market-ready.

As governor, Murphy not only would sign the bills Christie vetoed, in addition he would:

  • Mandate gun safety training. No one should be able to purchase a firearm without first attending a gun safety training course.
  • Keep guns out of the hands of those suffering with mental illness.
  • Strengthen regulations on gun transfers and make it a crime to sell guns without conducting a mandatory background check.
  • Work with neighboring states to promote gun violence prevention. An estimated 80 percent of guns involved in crimes in New Jersey come from out of state. We must engage with our neighbors.
  • Appoint an Attorney General who will vigorously defend our gun laws.

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