Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) to Exclusively Release 2017 Report on Gender Diversity in the Top Leadership of New Jersey Companies at Biennial Awards Breakfast
Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) to Exclusively Release 2017 Report on Gender
Diversity in the Top Leadership of New Jersey Companies at Biennial Awards Breakfast
On Monday, October 30, 2017, at 7:30 a.m. at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick, Executive
Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) will host A Seat at the Table Corporate Gender Diversity Awards
Breakfast, a biennial event where the organization exclusively releases its much-anticipated report on
the number of women serving on boards and in the top leadership of publicly traded companies in
New Jersey. e report, “A Seat at the Table: Celebrating Women and Board Leadership,” is the only
one of its kind in the state.
In addition to the exclusive release of its groundbreaking 2017 report, EWNJ will recognize the 22
companies that made its Honor Roll, a list that spotlights New Jersey public corporations that have 3
or more women serving on their boards.
“e A Seat at the Table Breakfast and report are critical components of our ongoing eorts to raise
awareness around the issue of gender diversity in senior corporate governance,” explained Michellene
Davis, Esq., President of EWNJ and EVP and Chief Corporate Aairs Ocer at RWJBarnabas
Health. “While we still have a long way to go in ensuring that women and people of color have equal
access to opportunity in top corporate leadership, we’re seeing that our work is making an impact.
We’re proud that several CEOs are partnering with us to support our work and to bring change within
their companies.”
“We’re grateful to PwC for providing the research for our report for a third year; this support is
invaluable to our work,” added Barbara E. Kauman, President Elect of EWNJ, Chair of the EWNJ
Board Appointments Committee, and Chief Operating Ocer at Newark Regional Business
Partnership (NRBP). “is year’s report focuses on the role that outside inuences such as shareholders
and investors play in moving the needle on gender parity in corporate culture. We’re excited that
through this year’s report, we’ve created strategic alliances with some of these key inuencers in order
to expand our reach.”
The A Seat at the Table Breakfast will also feature a keynote address by Annette Catino, former CEO
and President of Qualcare Inc. and Director of Northeld Bancorp, and a presentation of PwC’s
research for the report by B.J. Agugliaro, PwC Managing Partner - New Jersey.
“At PwC, we see diversity as critical to achieving our business strategy. We believe diversity is equally
important in companies - including at the senior executive and board levels - and we are proud to
work with Executive Women of New Jersey in this important study of women on New Jersey’s public
company boards,” said B.J. Agugliaro, PwC Managing Partner - New Jersey.
Principal sponsors of the breakfast are PwC, RWJBarnabas Health, BD, Campbell’s Soup Company,
Delta Dental, Dun & Bradstreet, Honeywell, New Jersey Resources, Northeld Bank,
Provident4Women, Prudential, PSEG, Quest Diagnostics, Wells Fargo, and Wyndham Worldwide.
You may view the 2015 A Seat at the Table report here and the 2017 Honor Roll here.
Tara Dowdell