Expanding Medical Marijuana Regulation, Setting Statute Guidelines for Adult Use Cannabis and Related Cases for Expungement Top Assembly Appropriations Committee Monday
Expanding Medical Marijuana Regulation, Setting Statute Guidelines for Adult Use Cannabis and Related Cases for Expungement Top Assembly Appropriations Committee Monday
– Nine Measures on Sexual Assault, Abuse in Schools on Education Agenda for Vote –
Also Up for Vote: Bill Aiming to Reduce Drunk Driving Offenses in NJ Revises Penalties for Drunk Driving, Mandates Ignition Interlock Device for First Time Offenders
(TRENTON) – Regulating marijuana in New Jersey, combatting sexual abuse and assault in schools, and encouraging the use of interlock ignition devices to reduce repeat drunk driving offenses are the primary focus of Monday’s Assembly Committee agendas.
Assembly Appropriations will meet jointly with the Senate Budget Committee Monday at 10 a.m. in Committee Room 4 to consider three separate measures on expanding medical marijuana, regulating adult-use cannabis and on expungement.
The Assembly Judiciary Committee will meet at 9:30 AM in Committee Room 12. The Assembly Education Committee will meet at 10:00 AM in Committee Room 16.
Live stream: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/media/live_audio.asp
Danielsen/ Pintor Marin/Zwicker/ Downey/ Houghtaling (pending referral) |
Revises requirements to authorize and access medical marijuana; establishes requirements for institutional caregivers; revises permit requirements for alternative treatment centers; and establishes additional legal protections for patients and caregivers. |
A-3740/3437 (ACS)
Conaway/Gusciora/ Eustace/Murphy |
Authorizes medical marijuana for treatment of any diagnosed condition; revises requirements for physicians to authorize qualifying patients; and revises requirements for alternative treatment center operations and permitting. |
Quijano/Holley/ Timberlake (pending intro and referral) |
"New Jersey Marijuana Legalization Act"; legalizes possession and personal use of marijuana for persons age 21 and over; creates Division of Marijuana Enforcement and licensing structure. |
Holley/Tucker (pending intro and referral) |
Revises certain procedures for expungement of records of conviction. |
Lagana/Downey/Benson |
Revises penalties for drunk driving and ignition interlock device violations. |
Munoz, N/Thomson (pending referral) S-641 (1R) Beach/Bateman (pending referral)
Requires that sexual abuse against a child be reported to law enforcement officials. |
Mukherji/Gusciora/ Chiaravalloti (pending referral) |
Provides that teacher, school bus driver, other school employee, or school volunteer who commits act of sexual penetration with student age 18 or older and less than age 20 is guilty of sexual assault under certain circumstances. |
Lampitt S-2715 Madden/Ruiz |
Requires Attorney General to develop protocol for retaining footage from school surveillance system. |
Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle S-2707 (1R) Ruiz/Madden |
Establishes task force within DOE on prevention of sexual abuse of children. |
Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle S-2709 (1R) Ruiz/Madden |
Provides that certain persons who commit act of sexual penetration or sexual contact with students who are 16 or older are guilty of sexual assault or criminal sexual contact. |
Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle S-2711 Ruiz/Madden |
Mandates child abuse and sexual abuse training for all candidates for teaching certification. |
Lampitt S-2712 (1R) Ruiz/Madden |
Mandates certain training for DOE arbitrators. |
Lampitt S-2713 Madden/Ruiz |
Requires DOE to collect information on certain teacher misconduct and report to Legislature. |
Lampitt S-2714 Ruiz/Madden |
Requires school districts to notify State Board of Examiners when teaching staff member fails to report child abuse for determination of revocation or suspension of certificate. |