Ezeh Mulling Primary Candidacy For New Milford Council

Statement from Jude Ezeh:
"Without beating around the bush, I announce that I am presently testing the waters for a run in the upcoming New Milford Democratic Primary Election.
If I eventually do decide to contest in the election, this will mean that I will be running in the Democratic Primary Election alongside New Milford Council President Ira Grotsky, and New Milford Councilman Mathew Seymour. And this will eventually mean that New Milford voters will be heading to the polls on or a little bit before June 2nd to vote in two (2) Democratic Candidates out of three (3) Democratic Candidates; that will eventually move on to the November 3, 2020 General Election."
Jude was the former Political Director for the College Democrat of New Jersey, and a Graduate School Student at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU).