Fair Ballot Alliance NJ Calls on County Party Chairs and Clerks to Honor U.S. Senate Candidates’ Joint Request for an Office Block Ballot

With the news that First Lady Tammy Murphy has suspended her campaign, all remaining Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate have now publicly called for using an office block ballot for the 2024 primary. When the candidate who will appear on the county line continues to advocate for its dissolution, there is no excuse for refusing to honor the request of all Senate candidates to group their names together in one block, ideally in random order.

Fair Ballot Alliance NJ reiterates its call on all county party chairs and clerks to implement a fair, office block ballot for the June 2024 NJ primary election.

The Fair Ballot Alliance New Jersey is a statewide coalition of grassroots groups calling for a fair primary election for the US Senate election in 2024 and, ultimately, the adoption of a FAIR “office block” ballot design for all elections in New Jersey. www.fairballotalliancenj.org

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