Family Policy Alliance of NJ: Gov. Murphy Takes Hypocritical Stand On Infant Loss and Abortion

BREAKING: Gov. Murphy Takes Hypocritical Stand On Infant Loss and Abortion

After making October “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month,” Murphy announces support for pro-abortion bill – in October

TRENTON, New Jersey – Today, Governor Murphy made clear his support for the Reproductive Freedom Act. In response, Shawn Hyland, Director of Advocacy at Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey issued the following statement:

“Just this past January, Governor Murphy declared October to be “Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month.” At the beginning of the solemn month, it is the epitome of hypocrisy to today announce his support for a radical abortion proposal. We expect that if this plan is like similar proposals (now laws) in New York and Illinois, it would allow the taking of life up to the moment of birth for any reason in New Jersey.

“It is indisputable that Governor Murphy and so many others in Trenton are beholden to the senseless taking of life through abortion and the industry built around it. From increasing Planned Parenthood funding to $20 million per year when New Jersey could least afford it, to refusing to enforce important health and safety standards in standing-room-only abortion clinics during the Coronavirus pandemic, his stance is clear – abortion anywhere, anytime regardless of cost, safety of the mother, or the lives of babies in the womb.

“During a month when countless New Jersey parents mourn the tragic loss of unborn children and infants, it is sobering that efforts to advance the publicly funded and virtually limitless killing of children would be the singular focus of the Murphy administration.

“We call on Governor Murphy and the pro-abortion contingent in the NJ legislature to stop promoting policies that legally advance genocide in the Garden State.”


Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey works to advance biblical citizenship and promote good public policy that protects religious freedom, families, and life.

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