A Father’s Campaign Contribution Raises Other Questions Hirsh Singh is a disaster of a general election candidate

A Father’s Campaign Contribution Raises Other Questions
Hirsh Singh is a disaster of a general election candidate
VINELAND – The campaign of Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, former Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi, explained today that a $1,000 campaign contribution by another candidate’s father raises other questions.
At issue is a recently published report about a $1,000 campaign contribution by Hirsh Singh’s father to then gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy.
Former Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi asked, “Did Singh’s father have so little faith in his son that he had to hedge his bets by giving Murphy money? Is the real reason behind Singh lining up with Murphy to support the PSEG bailout a way to protect his dad’s money?”
Fiocchi’s campaign consultant, Steve Kush, explained, “We’re simply not buying his campaign’s explanation about the proud father. The fact is Hirsh Sing’s biggest accomplishments to date are winning a beauty pageant in Washington, DC in 2012 and, according to his own Facebook post, that he ‘totally raped the LSATS.’”
“The real question is how does a kid living home with his parents, who had to go to his daddy for money to run for governor suddenly have $50,000 to give to his congressional campaign,” Kush said. “To add insult to injury his campaign then says he’s a ‘new generation conservative.’ I’m fairly certain there aren’t many conservatives who are going to be happy about his’ pro-marijuana legalization and criminal justice reform’ he proudly tweeted about in May of last year.
The facts are clear, this ‘new generation conservative’ with his support of corporate bailouts, marijuana legalization and criminal justice reform make him no better than Jeff Van Drew who supported New Jersey’s failed bail reform. If nothing else Hirsh Singh is a Democrat-lite candidate in a Republican primary who may soon have to explain to the Federal Election Commission where he suddenly found $50,000 to give to his campaign. This coupled with his borderline misogynistic social media posts, some of which are easily found on a Democratic website, add up to a real disaster of a general election candidate.”