Feminist Halloween

September 24, 2018
CONTACT: apwomensconvention@gmail.com

“POWER TO THE POLLS: FEMINIST HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY” The Asbury Park Women’s Convention and the Asbury Park Women’s March are excited to join forces to present Power to the Polls: Feminist Halloween Party. The event will take place on October 28 at the Asbury Hotel at 5PM.
ASBURY PARK, New Jersey— In a historic moment for Asbury Park women, the founders of the Asbury Park Women’s Convention and the Asbury Park Women’s March have teamed up for a Halloween party to stress the importance of voting. Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn, Councilwoman Yvonne Clayton, and Comedian/Activist Jess Alaimo of the Asbury Park Women’s Convention, straight off their impressive inaugural event, have joined forces with Dani Fiori and Amanda Kane of the Women’s March. The Asbury Park Women’s March was an unprecedented event, drawing more than 6,000 people to march in the streets of Asbury for the rights of women.
The Halloween party is a costume-required event, with everyone encouraged to dress as their favorite feminist icon. $15 admission includes entry into costume contests and food. There will be a panel of celebrity judges to determine winners of costume contests. There will also be conversations with iconic women politicians and activists as well as music from local favorites. The event will highlight local female-owned businesses and organizations as vendors. The League of Women Voters will be on location to answer any questions about the upcoming election.
“This is the time to become engaged, to encourage more women to run for office, and most importantly, make sure everyone shows up at the polls,” says Councilwoman Yvonne Clayton of the upcoming event.
Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn adds, “The Asbury Park Women's Convention is so happy to be teaming up with the Women's March for a Feminist Halloween party. We are excited to celebrate and highlight community leaders while reminding everyone to vote on November 6th.”
Dani Fiori adds, “Our Power to the polls feminist Halloween event is a fun tribute to women in history who have shaped us and have brought about change. It’s also a celebration of the historic number of women who are running for office this year. We always have to keep in mind that our vote is our voice.”
Jess Alaimo says of the event, “Being politically-involved and bringing forth real change doesn’t mean having to be boring. This Halloween party is going to be so much fun and it’s also for a great cause -- to make sure we vote. I hope even those who are less politically-included come out and have a great time.”

Amanda Kane agreed, adding, "Politics doesn't have to be boring! We have the power to change the trajectory of what politics looks like in this country. We are excited to keep the conversation going at this Feminist Halloween event."
Asbury Park’s Feminist Halloween will take place at The Asbury Hotel on October 28, 2018 from 5PM-7PM. All proceeds will go to the Asbury Park Women’s Convention. Speakers, vendors, and more surprise guests will be announced in the upcoming weeks.
For more information, please visit: www.APWomensConvention.com

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