FERC Report Shows Renewables Outpacing Natural Gas

FERC Report Shows Renewables Outpacing Natural Gas

 FERC’s Energy Infrastructure released an update for March 2018. It showed that in March of 2018, the installed capacity (MW) of natural gas was at 39MW, while wind was generating at 200MW, solar at 442MW, and other which includes other renewables at 80MW. From January to March of 2018, Natural Gas generation generating at 79MW, Wind at 1,793MW, Solar at 1356 MW, and other renewables at 80MW. Overall renewable energy is generating at 20% capacity.

“There has been a major shift in renewable energy in the last quarter according to FERC. The FERC update on energy infrastructure projects show that renewable energy is ahead of fossil fuels. This is a huge landmark. The Trump Administration is pushing fossil fuels however the FERC update shows the opposite. This is the best kept secret that renewable energy is outfacing natural gas by 15-1,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We are getting to point where renewable energy is becoming cheaper and more efficient than taking over fossil fuels.”

FERC’s update shows that from January to March of 2018, Wind took up 53% of total installed capacity, Solar took up 40%, and Natural Gas only took up 2%.

“This data shows that wind and solar are reliable and efficient sources of energy compared to natural gas. New Jersey cannot be giving any more ratepayer money for dirty energy infrastructure projects that are more likely to retire. We should not be building more natural gas infrastructure if we want to reach Governor Murphy’s strong environmental and clean energy goals for New Jersey,” said Tittel.

Several natural gas projects are waiting for approval in New Jersey such as the Garden State Expansion project, Southern Reliability Link pipeline, PennEast Pipeline and Meadowlands Power Plant. NJNG’s proposed SRL pipeline would go from a compressor station in Chesterfield and travel through Burlington, Monmouth, and Ocean counties. It would pass near homes, schools, and even environmentally sensitive forests prone to fires. The project would cut through the ecologically-sensitive Pinelands and threaten one of the largest sources of fresh drinking water on the east coast. The Meadowlands Power plant The proposed North Bergen Liberty Generating Project would be one of the largest plants in the state and cost $1.5 billion and send electricity to New York City. According to the Lung Association, this plant could generate almost 2.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. It could be very close to being the top greenhouse gas producer in New Jersey.

“The reason why they are pushing these projects is because they are trying to block and undermine clean energy. The expansion of natural gas projects in New Jersey will only create more climate effects and hinder efforts to have a green economy. We should not be building more natural gas infrastructure if we want to reach Governor Murphy’s strong environmental and clean energy goals for New Jersey. These pipelines could create irreversible harm to wetlands, streams, as well as damage important open spaces, and threaten drinking water for millions of people. We are going to court with the Pinelands Commission because the credibility of the Pinelands is at stake. These pipelines are all one project and if we are successful in winning the Southern Reliability Link and South Jersey Gas case, then there won’t be any pipelines for PennEast to send gas to,” said Tittel. “This massive natural gas plant in the Meadowlands would be either the largest or second largest source of air pollution and greenhouse gasses in New Jersey. Natural gas plants are not clean and only a bridge to more asthma and health problems. A giant natural gas power plants in the heart of the Meadowlands is a terrible idea. New Jersey will never reduce its greenhouse gases and meet its clean energy goals if this plant will be built. We need the Murphy Administration to step in and stop these projects from destroying our environment that would undermine our goals for clean energy.”

There is also a nuclear subsidy bill, S2313, on the Governor’s desk that would give PSEG a $3 billion subsidy for their nuclear plant. The nuclear bill would block renewable energy such as wind and solar power and prevent us from reaching Governor Murphy’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050.

“The whole bill is just an excuse to subsidize the nuclear power plants at the expense of ratepayers and renewable energy. PSEG are getting $300 million a year whether they need it or not. We should not be moving forward with this nuclear subsidy deal when PSEG will get $800 million in subsidies from Trump’s tax cut. PJM is also looking to give them millions in subsidies. Under energy deregulation these plants also received $2.5 billion dollars in subsidies as Stranded Assets, despite being profitable,” said Tittel. “This bill will severely interfere with Governor Murphy’s clean energy goals. There is zero justification for any nuclear subsidies. We need Murphy to veto or conditionally veto this bill. It’s nothing more than giving Public Service Enterprise Greed a blank check from the ratepayer that will undermine progress for renewable energy in New Jersey.”

FERC forecasts that by April 2021, Water, Wind, and Solar will expand generation by 12,466 MW, 85,693 MW, and 49,090 MW consecutively.  Natural Gas, Nuclear, and Oil will expand generation by 89,740 MW, 6,363 MW, and 741MW consecutively. FERC also forecasts that by 2021, Natural Gas, Nuclear and Oil will retire by 15098MW, 4532MW, and 473MW consecutively.

“We are in the beginning of the revolution for renewable energy. States are increasing their renewable energy portfolios and federal tax credits are also helping boost renewable generation. Pipelines, power plants, and nuclear subsides will hold us back on achieving our clean energy goals.  If we want to get to 100% green energy by 2050 we need to focus on renewable energy such as solar and wind.  We could create over 1,000s more jobs building renewable energy projects like offshore windmills,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “We need the Murphy Administration to stop unneeded projects like pipelines and power plants and unnecessary nuclear subsidies that would undermine our renewable energy goals.”

[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/mar-energy-infrastructure.pdf"]

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