Fifth Annual “Shop with a Cop” Event Continues to Spread Holiday Cheer to Jersey City Children and Families, Bolstering Community Relations between JCPD and Residents

Fifth Annual “Shop with a Cop” Event Continues to Spread Holiday Cheer to Jersey City Children and Families, Bolstering Community Relations between JCPD and Residents 

Each Child is Paired with an Officer and will have Free Range of the Newport Centre Mall to do their Holiday Shopping and even Pick up a Present for Themselves 

 What:            Mayor Steven M. Fulop and the Jersey City Police Department will host the Fifth Annual “Shop with a Cop” holiday event. More than 60 Jersey City children between 4 and 13 years old will get the opportunity to do their holiday shopping with East District police officers. Whether they buy gifts for themselves or cross people off their shopping list, that’s up to the shoppers to decide. Spending positive time with the officers also helps develop trusting relationships while having fun.


Since its inception in 2014, hundreds of children from Jersey City have participated in the yearly holiday event. The police department coordinates with East District Public Schools to determine which students would most benefit from the program. Each shopper will receive a $100 mall gift card. The event is funded through donations from local businesses, corporate sponsors and private donations. Several stores throughout the mall are also offering all participating shoppers a discount.


When:            Tuesday, December 5, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


Where:           Newport Centre Mall

30 Mall Drive East

Jersey City, NJ 07302 

Who:              Jersey City Police Department Officers

More than 60 Jersey City Children

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