Fiocchi: Singh Accused South Jersey Farmers Of Using Illegal Immigrants For Labor

Singh Accused South Jersey Farmers Of Using Illegal Immigrants For Labor
Fiocchi calls on Singh to immediately apologize to the farming community
VINELAND – After reviewing an Ocean City Sentinel article (Republican congressional primary: Business connections would boost job Market, Singh Says) Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, former Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi, said Hirsh Singh owes South Jersey’s farmers an apology.
In the May 16, 2018 article Hirsh Singh accuses South Jersey farmers of employing illegal immigrants telling the paper, “There’s a lot of industry down here that relies upon a certain part of the population that’s not here legally, like the farmers and otherwise.”
“For nearly 40 years I worked with farmers across South Jersey, all were patriotic, law abiding and hard working. As a freeholder I served with a farmer,” Former Assemblyman Sam Fiocchi said, “For Hirsh Singh to accuse an entire South Jersey industry of doing anything illegal crosses a line. Hirsh Singh should immediately apologize to the farming community.”
Former Cumberland County Freeholder and farmer Tom Sheppard said, “Our industry is heavily regulated, the government checks that all our employees have the proper paperwork and for Hirsh Singh to make an accusation against our industry is wrong.”
“From leading people to believe he has millions of dollars lying around to accusations against the area’s farmers, borderline misogynistic social media posts that are easily found on a Democratic website, support of corporate bailouts and his May 7, 2017 tweet touting his ‘pro-marijuana legalization and criminal justice reform’ are all part of a list of reasons why Hirsh Singh cannot be our party’s nominee.” Fiocchi said, “It is clear Hirsh Singh will embarrass and hurt the rest of the Republican ticket in November.”
“Sam is just trying to deflect because he was caught lying about Hirsh at the Cape May convention. His tales are so outrageous people are liable to start calling him ‘Finocchio.’ He should apologize to every Republican voter in South Jersey for lying about Hirsh.”