First Lady Tammy Murphy Joins Tedesco at Project Homeless Connect

First Lady Tammy Murphy Joins Tedesco at Project Homeless Connect

(Hackensack) – Yesterday, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco and the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders welcomed the First Lady of New Jersey, Tammy Murphy, to Project Homeless Connect, an annual event which provides information about direct and referral services and assistance for the homeless. New Jersey’s First Lady joins a growing list of local, state, and federal officials to visit the one-stop shelter and witness firsthand how Bergen County leads the way in compassionately reducing and eliminating homelessness across different at-risk populations, especially veterans and those struggling with mental illness or addiction.

The event is a partnership between the County of Bergen, the Housing Authority of Bergen County, and the Bergen County Housing, Health, and Human Services Center. For shelter guests and visitors, Project Homeless Connect offers comprehensive information about access to Medicaid and food stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP), employment opportunities, legal services, as well as HIV counseling, flu shots, dental, blood and glucose screenings. Parisian Beauty Academy of Hackensack provided free haircuts and manicures. Guest bags with donated gift cards, warm clothing, personal hygiene items, and socks were distributed to the participants. In conjunction with Project Homeless Connect, a one-day Point-in-Time (PIT) survey is administered by various agencies and a team of volunteers combing the streets of Bergen County to identify the current population of homeless individuals, helping the shelter better serve their needs in the coming year.

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