First Lady Tammy Murphy to speak at HPAE Professional Issues Conference

“Bringing Our Professional Values Into The Transformation Of Healthcare”
(East Brunswick, NJ) – This Thursday, October 10th, First Lady Tammy Murphy will deliver the Keynote Lunchtime Address at the Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) biennial Professional Issues Conference (PIC).
This year’s conference theme is “Bringing Our Professional Values Into the Transformation of Health.” Murphy will talk about Nurture NJ – an awareness campaign dedicated to serving every mother, baby and family – which includes a multipronged, multi-agency approach to improve maternal and infant health among the state’s women and children.
Thursday, October 10th, 2019
East Brunswick Hilton
3 Tower Center Blvd
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
“We are excited that so many people will attend this year’s conference. Together, we will explore the issues facing healthcare workers - which have a tremendous impact on our professional practice and values,” said HPAE President Debbie White. “And we are ecstatic to have New Jersey’s First Lady join us in giving a keynote address on efforts to reduce infant and maternal mortality and morbidity.”
“HPAE members are on the front lines of Nurture NJ’s mission to make New Jersey the safest place in the country to give birth,” said First Lady Tammy Murphy. “Nurses and health care professionals put their patients’ safety first and are leading the way towards better outcomes for all New Jersey’s mothers and babies.”
At 9 am, HPAE President White will deliver Opening Remarks. Then the morning will be filled with workshops, before First Lady Murphy delivers her keynote during lunch between 12:00 – 1:00 PM. The afternoon will be filled with more workshops, until President White gives closing remarks at 3:45 pm.
Workshops include:
*Building A Healthcare System For All: State and National Strategies For Access & Equality
*Best Practices In Bargaining For Patient Safety And Professional Values
*Responding To Workplace Bullying
*Confrontation And Conflict Resolution
*Implicit Bias: The Impact On Healthcare
*Preventing Workplace Violence In Health And Social Service
*Just Culture: Balanced Accountability And Patient Safety
*Strategies For Compliance To The NLRA: Avoiding The Legal Pitfalls Of Union Representation
*Hospital Based Gun Violence Intervention Programs
*Member Engagement For Patient Care And Safety