First Ward Councilman Lamb Blasts Councilman Quinlisk’s Sarcastic Attack on Barrier Island Residents

First Ward Councilman Lamb Blasts Councilman Quinlisk’s Sarcastic Attack on Barrier Island Residents

Everyone Deserves Year-Round Ambulance Service

Toms River, New Jersey – First Ward Councilman Justin Lamb today blasted Councilman Jim Quinlisk over his newest series of attacks on Toms River residents living on the Barrier Island.

“The people of the First Ward have been crying out for 24/7 ambulance service for years,” Lamb said.  “I’m going to keep fighting for it, I’m not going to be quiet about it, and this council is going to deliver it whether Jim Quinlisk likes it or not.”

Lamb was referring to Quinlisk’s disturbing outburst at the April 11 meeting of the Township Council when he mocked the idea of funding “the ambulance that’s desperately needed on the island — and I say that a little sarcastically” before telling Lamb to “Shut the hell up.”

“The people of the First Ward shouldn’t be treated like the red-headed step children of Toms River and they shouldn’t be told to shut the hell up by Jim Quinlisk,” Lamb said.  “There’s nothing funny or sarcastic about life and death emergency services.”

Quinlisk has gone to great lengths to undermine Lamb, Mayor Rodrick and the council majority who were elected with a mandate to deliver around the clock ambulance service to every resident of Toms River and is now working to sabotage a shared services agreement for EMS coverage with the Barrier Island communities of Seaside Park, Seaside Heights, Berkeley Township, and Lavallette.

“Barrier island residents need and deserve EMS services 24 hours a day, seven days a week all year long,” Lamb said.  “It’s insulting to offer life-saving EMS services to visitors during the summer but to withhold them from year-round resident-taxpayers.”

Lamb said his constituents have come to Ward meetings and Council meetings for years asking for the same quality, life-saving emergency services that the rest of Toms River enjoys but said they were ignored and ridiculed.

“Quinlisk, one of Mo Hill’s last remaining disciples, is playing politics with people’s lives,” Lamb said.  “The previous administration ignored us, but Mayor Rodrick is delivering on his commitment to serve the people of the barrier island equally. I’m grateful for that.”

Lamb said Quinlisk should spend less time desperately trying to keep massive overdevelopment and wasteful spending projects on the books and more time delivering basic government services to the taxpayers.

“Month after month Jim continues to fight for the over-development projects that were soundly rejected last year,” Lamb said.  “Let’s move on and get a full-time ambulance to the Beach ASAP.”

Lamb thanked Mayor Rodrick and his council colleagues for supporting the new ambulance for the island and jumpstarting plans to fund a shared ambulance service with the other Barrier Island communities.  He called on residents of the Barrier Island to attend the next council meeting on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 7:00PMto support year-round EMS coverage.

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