Flora: What About the Voters? Appointed School Board Bad Idea for Jersey City

What About the Voters? Appointed School Board Bad Idea for Jersey City

US Congressional Democratic Primary Candidate John Flora (NJ-10) is warning all Jersey City residents against the possibility of the Board of Education becoming an appointed position. It is dangerous power grab by Mayor Steven Fulop that can only lead to continued corruption in local government.

“There is never a time when it is a good idea for the citizens of this country to relinquish any small amount of power they possess to a government body,” said Flora, “New Jersey politics and the machines that drive them have a lasting reputation of abuse, cronyism, and corruption lasting for decades. They should never be trusted to replace the will of the people.”

A Jersey City taxpayer, Flora will concede some advantages to mayoral control: centralized decision-making, expediency, the ability of voters to be able to hold one person accountable, and cost savings for shared services between the City and school district. But Flora is a lifelong educator and father and knows these are not good enough reasons to give away an elected school board.

“This is a fundamental attack on the democratic process that voters are entitled to”, said Flora.  He added that “Jersey City taxpayers deserve a diverse board of education to make decisions for their children, not a single power-hungry mayor who will appoint more political cronies.”

Congressional Candidate Flora knows firsthand the power of the political machines that exist in New Jersey politics. His own campaign has been a movement to provide voters with a choice in lieu of a current political incumbent known for decades of nepotism. In the June 2nd Democratic Primary, voters will choose between a progressive like Flora or the New Jersey Democratic Committee career politician named Payne. The concerted effort by Flora and voters looking for change is a David vs. Goliath action because of the control that large political institutions wield over the political process in New Jersey.

“They have even tried to move deadlines this year for petitions, giving themselves an advantage over any grassroots movement trying to challenge them,” said Flora. “And now here we have the mayor of Jersey City choosing a similar path to omit the election of a diverse school board by the people, a direct affront on the democratic process. If this is the Mayor’s swan song, the children of Jersey City aren’t going to remember him fondly when they grow up.”


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